Cover Image

December 2, 2021

New Title and Cover Image

Our crew comes together in our new poster.

You saw it above, now see it again!

Entertainment, Science, Future, Education, we try to put our message in this cover render.

Here are few points on the cover:
- The darkness gives the feel of exploring the unknown. It also shows that this is a different type of show, a more edgy one.
- The drawings are like drawn on a black board in school, relates to learning and shows the educational side of the concept.
- The colours help differentiate between the different groups of elements, of each character.
- Some elements help clarify the personalities. Robbie's art pallet is like an artist's hat. Prince has the Eiffel Tower as a party hat, Farah has the planet as a halo, showing she is such a good soul, Jangi's on a graduation hat.. and so on.
- The elements also show that there will be presentations, drawings and graphs in the show.
- Under the Pillow Fort Logo a book is opened. Some words with our core values are popping out of the book. Also showing that all is based on knowledge.

Be a part of the future of entertainment and let's make sure the next generation is smarter than we were.
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